Gancia de Muze wins the Rolex Grand Prix at the Brussels Stephex Masters

Gancia de Muze wins the Rolex Grand Prix at the Brussels Stephex Masters
What a weekend for the BWP mare Gancia de Muze (Malito de Rêves x Nimmerdor) , her breeder Perry De Winter and her rider Niels Bruynseels! After winning the 1.50 class on Friday evening, the mare also won the Rolex Grand Prix on Sunday. Lorenzo de Luca and his BWP Stallion Halifax van het Kluizebos (Heartbreaker x Fetiche du Pas), bred by Stefaan Delabie, ended fourth. Janne Friederike Meyer – Zimmermann rode Goya van de Begijnakker (Wandor van de Mispelaere x Palestro van de Begijnakker D’02), bred by Koen Vereecke, to a fifth place.   The ** Grand Prix was also won by a BWP horse : Fragile van ‘t Paradijs (Indoctro x Surrealist van ‘t Paradijs), bred by Gustaaf Rooms, was victorious under the local lady rider Emilie Conter.