BWP horses get high scores in the American young horses rankings

BWP horses get high scores in the American young horses rankings
The Americans have their own Young Horses Rankings and the BWP horses score very well there. In the Sire Rankings, one of our horses even takes the lead : Balta ’Czar is a son of Alla ‘Czar out of a Columbus dam. The stallion had been approved for BWP-NAD in 2004 already and was reactivated in 2012. Right now, Balta ‘Czar stays at stud in the Jump Start Farm in Lexington. This stallion has also the highest score in the Dam Sire Ranking. On a shared third place, we find another for BWP-NAD approved stallion : the Nonstop son Simsalabim van Berkenbroeck (out of a dam by Feinschnitt  I van de Richter).  Simsalabim was bred by Michel Spaas and stays at stud at the Bannockburn Farm in Patricksburg.